"Eat well Spartans for tonight we dine with Hades!" - King Leonidas I
"Woe! Woe to us Hungarians! What an evil age we have entered..."
"More was lost at Mohacs" - Hungarian proverb
"If we had a military division of these birds it would face any army in the world!"
'Last fight of the Crusaders'
"Jews revolted ...Some escaped ... foreign guards dead ... SEND HELP!"
'They terrified at the impetus of the badly armed Jewish legions'
'From the depths of my wounded heart was born a terrible wish for vengeance...'
Featured Podcast: History Daily (The Battle of Gettysburg Begins)
Author James Waterson provides an in-depth look into the history of the Mamluk Sultanate, with a special focus on the reign of Sultan Baybars.
'He would not give up as long he had a single charge of powder...'
‘A man that with the feeblest means, produced the most terrible effects'
‘Go count the bleeding scalps of your murdered countrymen, of all ages, of all sexes!’
“The Christians are doing what even the Turks never did!”
“Hell was a more beautiful sight to behold.”
“Could the fall of the Roman Empire have been avoided?”
"A great and heroic character in a degenerate age"
’This country is mine and no other nation can have it!’
‘If powers at a distance come to partition Africa, I do not intend to be an indifferent spectator...’
"A last alliance against tyranny - the battle for free Gaul" Gaul hung by a thread. As Rome’s grip tightened around their homeland, the Tribal Kings met to discuss their grim reality. Age-old rivalries were tossed aside for the sake …
‘Rome made a desert, and called it peace’. Caesar’s first foray into Gaul had been an overwhelming success. He had vanquished one of the most powerful tribes, and their wealth had paid off his debts. Emboldened by the quick victory, …
"I am a free man, of a free state" When Julius Caesar became Governor of Gaul in 58BC he dreamt of fame, fortune and legacy. Conquest had always been the path to glory for a Roman senator and with this …
In this special episode I'm joined by Professor Emanuel Buttigieg from The University Of Malta! The Professor shares with me the fascinating story of The Siege Of Candia that took place over a whopping 21 years starting in 1648. The …