Season 4

Oct. 31, 2022

Season 4 Wrap-up

Season 4 Wrap-up

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Oct. 10, 2022

The Rise and Fall of Majorian | Part 2: Downfall of the Roman Empire

“Could the fall of the Roman Empire have been avoided?”

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Sept. 26, 2022

The Rise and Fall of Majorian | Part 1: House of Cards

"A great and heroic character in a degenerate age"

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Sept. 5, 2022

SAVAGES: Ethiopia Vs Colonization | Part 2: David & Goliath

’This country is mine and no other nation can have it!’

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Aug. 22, 2022

SAVAGES: Ethiopia Vs Colonization | Part 1: Scramble For Africa

‘If powers at a distance come to partition Africa, I do not intend to be an indifferent spectator...’

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Aug. 1, 2022

Caesar's Worst Nightmare | Part 3: Vae Victis

"A last alliance against tyranny - the battle for free Gaul" Gaul hung by a thread. As Rome’s grip tightened around their homeland, the Tribal Kings met to discuss their grim reality.  Age-old rivalries were tossed aside for the sake of unity, and Vercingetorix was raised as supreme commande…

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July 18, 2022

Caesar's Worst Nightmare | Part 2: Gaul Strikes Back

‘Rome made a desert, and called it peace’. Caesar’s first foray into Gaul had been an overwhelming success. He had vanquished one of the most powerful tribes, and their wealth had paid off his debts. Emboldened by the quick victory, he sent his legions to the distant corners of the contine…

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July 4, 2022

Vercingetorix, Caesar's Worst Nightmare | Part 1: Veni, Vidi, Vici

"I am a free man, of a free state" When Julius Caesar became Governor of Gaul in 58BC he dreamt of fame, fortune and legacy. Conquest had always been the path to glory for a Roman senator and with this position he hoped to make his name. At first, he picked off the Gallic tribes one by on…

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June 20, 2022

The 21 Year Long Siege Of Candia (With Professor Buttigieg)

In this special episode I'm joined by Professor Emanuel Buttigieg from The University Of Malta! The Professor shares with me the fascinating story of The Siege Of Candia that took place over a whopping 21 years starting in 1648. The siege pitted The Knights Hospitaller against the…

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June 6, 2022

The Last Muslim King Of Spain, Part 3: Thy Kingdom Come

"He bore the impending demise of his religion, culture and way of life" Boabdil had earned his bloody throne. But there was little time to celebrate. As the armies of Christendom camped outside the last Islamic stronghold in Spain, its citizens knew the end of their world would come soon. …

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May 23, 2022

The Last Muslim King Of Spain, Part 2: Eye Of The Storm

"Stop, stop! Don't kill him you fool, that's the Moorish King!" Boabdil's path to the throne had not been easy. He had been pressured into overthrowing his father by his mother and was captured during his first battle. After being forced to swear an oath of loyalty to The Christian King Fer…

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May 9, 2022

The Last Muslim King Of Spain, Part 1: Kingdom In Crisis

"You cry like a woman, for what you couldn't defend as a man" Boabdil was heir to a dying kingdom. In the 15th century, Granada was the last Muslim state in Spain. For 250 years it survived, living in the shadow of the Christian kingdoms. But that all changed after the marria…

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April 25, 2022

'Saviour' of The Reconquista: El Cid (Part 2)

"In Spain's rich history, El Cid is remembered above all others". El Cid was down but not out! After sacking King Alfonso's lands he was in exile, barred from returning to his home and family. But, his deeds had made him famous and he soon found employment in the pay of al-Mu'taman, …

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April 11, 2022

'Saviour' of The Reconquista: El Cid (Part 1)

"...This man, the scourge of his time, by his appetite for glory, by the prudent steadfastness of his character, and by his heroic bravery: Was one of the miracles of God". -Ibn Bassam (11th Century Poet) on El Cid El Cid was a knight in 11th century Spain. Growing up in the borderlands bet…

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March 28, 2022

Gothic Redemption: Pelayo of Asturias

"In this tiny mountain hamlet, history was about to be made." In 722AD a Muslim army marched into the frosty mountains of Asturias. They were searching for the last holdout of Christian resistance, led by a shadowy figure named Pelayo. Since the fall of his kingdom a decade earlier, Pelayo …

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