Season 3

March 1, 2022

Season 3 Wrap-up

Season 3 Wrap-up

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Feb. 21, 2022

The Mutiny That Founded A Nation (Bounty Mutiny of 1789), Part 2

The crew of the HMS Bounty were free from their hated captain, but what now? Their old lives were over. And the ferocious Polynesians weren't interested in sharing their islands with British sailors. As the crewmembers couple up with the few women aboard, resentment simmers when there aren't …

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Feb. 7, 2022

The Mutiny That Founded A Nation (Bounty Mutiny of 1789), Part 1

“Of all the sea tales told down the ages, none has held its mystique so long as the mutiny on board HMS Bounty” In the year of 1789, in the vast Pacific Ocean; the mutinous crew of the HMS Bounty turn on their loathed Captain. Jeering and laughing the men push him into a tiny, overcrowded row…

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Jan. 24, 2022

Last Of The Romans: Aurelian (Part 2)

"Thus died Aurelian, an emperor who was necessary rather than good". Aurelian had accomplished more in two years than lesser Emperors had in 50. Both The Goths and Germans had been humbled by his ruthless campaigns. His message was clear: The Roman Empire is omnipotent, know your place or face …

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Jan. 10, 2022

Last Of The Romans: Aurelian (Part 1)

In the late third century, The Roman empire teetered on the brink of total collapse. Barbarian hordes pour over the deserted border fortresses. Plague ripples through the cities, while hyperinflation pushes the population into poverty. The government is in freefall. Emperors are raised in rap…

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Dec. 20, 2021

The Sword Of Allah, Khalid ibn al-Walid (Part 2)

Khalid ibn al-Walid's life had taken a full 360 turn. Throwing family tradition aside he'd embraced Islam and helped Muhammad smash the old idols he had once worshipped. He was quickly becoming The Prophet's favoured general, who gave him the title Sayfullah (The Sword of God). But the new…

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Dec. 6, 2021

The Sword Of Allah, Khalid ibn al-Walid (Part 1)

Khalid was a member of the aristocracy in the Arabian trading city of Mecca. When a local named Muhammad began claiming he was the Prophet of God, Khalid and his family fought tooth and nail to stamp out his movement. Less than two years later Khalid was the highest ranking commander in the M…

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Nov. 22, 2021

The Last Afghan Empire of Ahmad Shah Durrani (Part 2)

Ahmad Shah Durrani had made his mark. Every tribesman in Afghanistan recognised him as King. In Delhi, the Grand Mughal cowered behind his peacock thrown, in fear of what the Afghan warlord would do next. But all was not well for the Pearl of Pearls, by vanquishing the Mughals, he had ripp…

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Nov. 8, 2021

The Last Afghan Empire of Ahmad Shah Durrani (Part 1)

Who was Ahmad Shah Durrani? Ahmad Shah Durrani was an Afghan chieftain who rose to power leading Persian armies in the 18th century. After his Persian overlord was murdered he threw off the yoke of oppression and declared an independent Afghan state for his people. But could one man unite …

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Oct. 25, 2021

Movie Review: The Day Of The Siege (1683 Siege of Vienna)

In this special episode I sit down with three other history podcasters and discuss the 2012 Movie '11 September 1683, Day of the Siege'. This is a historical movie, that tells the story of the Ottoman Siege of Vienna in the 17th century. The movie is unkind to Islam, unkind to history and mos…

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Oct. 11, 2021

The Deadliest Sniper In History, Simo Hayha

Simo Häyhä was a Finnish farmer born in the 1900's, known around his village for his wickedly sharp aim with a hunting rifle. In 1939, his life was turned upside down when Stalin and The Red Army invaded Finland. Rushed to the front, his kill-count quickly rose. His fellow Finns nicknamed …

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Sept. 27, 2021

The Invincible Admiral, Yi Sun-sin (Part 2)

While Admiral Yi Sun-sin languishes in a filthy prison cell, the once invincible Korean navy he had built lay in ruins at the bottom of the harbour. Outmaneuvered and outplayed by his rival, the War Hero had been stripped of all his command and convicted of treason. But with the coast now def…

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Sept. 13, 2021

The Invincible Admiral, Yi Sun-sin (Part 1)

Yi Sun-sin was a Korean soldier in the 16th century. Throughout his career he had built up a reputation as an exemplary leader with a brilliant eye for military decisions. Despite this, he had received few promotions and had made fewer friends within the military due to his 'no nonsense' stan…

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Aug. 30, 2021

Chat with Daniele Bolelli

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to sit down with some podcasting royalty! Daniele Bolelli is university professor, published author, marital arts expert and (of course) an OG History Podcaster. Daniele created the History On Fire podcast in 2015, which focuses on the most dramatic …

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Aug. 23, 2021

Owain Glyndŵr, The Last Prince of Wales (Part 2)

The Welsh have risen! Owain Glyndŵr's rebellion has swept across the the British Isles. As Welsh apprentices abroad down their tools and return home to heed the call, The Prince Of Wales secures an alliance with one of the most powerful Monarch's in Europe. Meanwhile, a charismatic English …

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Aug. 9, 2021

Owain Glyndŵr, The Last Prince of Wales (Part 1)

We tell the story of Owain Glyndŵr, a Welsh nobleman who sparked a rebellion against the English king in the late 14th century. Glyndŵr’s army was small, but determined, and they managed to win several key battles against the English. However, their ultimate goal was always to unite Wales and t…

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