Emperor Romanos IV meets Alp Arslan at the battle of Manzikert altering the course of history.
As Byzantium spirals we follow the rise of The Seljuks as they become an existential threat.
Through the reign of Emperor Constantine IX, we uncover the background and reasons for the 1071 Battle of Manzikert.
In part two of our series, we delve into the downfall of Akhenaten, The Heretic King.
Part one of the story of Akhenaten featuring his rediscovery, childhood and first years as Pharoah.
Professor Almut Hintze sheds light on the rituals, beliefs and history of Zoroastrianism.
"Go tell the Spartans passerby, that here, obedient to our laws, we lie...."
"Eat well Spartans for tonight we dine with Hades!" - King Leonidas I
Author James Waterson provides an in-depth look into the history of the Mamluk Sultanate, with a special focus on the reign of Sultan Baybars.
“Could the fall of the Roman Empire have been avoided?”
"A great and heroic character in a degenerate age"
"A last alliance against tyranny - the battle for free Gaul" Gaul hung by a thread. As Rome’s grip tightened around their homeland, the Tribal Kings met to discuss their grim reality. Age-old rivalries were tossed aside for the sake of unity, and Vercingetorix was raised as supreme commande…
‘Rome made a desert, and called it peace’. Caesar’s first foray into Gaul had been an overwhelming success. He had vanquished one of the most powerful tribes, and their wealth had paid off his debts. Emboldened by the quick victory, he sent his legions to the distant corners of the contine…
"I am a free man, of a free state" When Julius Caesar became Governor of Gaul in 58BC he dreamt of fame, fortune and legacy. Conquest had always been the path to glory for a Roman senator and with this position he hoped to make his name. At first, he picked off the Gallic tribes one by on…
"Thus died Aurelian, an emperor who was necessary rather than good". Aurelian had accomplished more in two years than lesser Emperors had in 50. Both The Goths and Germans had been humbled by his ruthless campaigns. His message was clear: The Roman Empire is omnipotent, know your place or face …